Save hours every week by automating your workflows.
Connect Bowimi to over 4000 platforms through our Zapier integration and check out our guide on how to get started.

Some of our happy customers

Some of the ways you can save time, starting right now...
Send Invoices
Place an order in Bowimi and automatically generate and send the customer an invoice.

Send Emails
Send follow up emails either immediately after interactions or after a delay using the Delay by Zapier integration.
Update your CRM
Update your CRM automatically, use the Filter by Zapier integration to only update your CRM if certain conditions are met (i.e. if the location has a certain tag on it).

Send Notifications
Send messages to Slack or MS Teams (or other chat applications) when certain actions happen in Bowimi (i.e. when someone wins a new customer).

Need more inspiration? Look through Zapier’s +4000 integrations here or check out the Bowimi integration page and integration guide.